Vehicle type: Car transporters
instead of 4 512,40
5 369,76
3 890,00 €
4 629,10 €

Technical specifications

ID: 4198
Art. Nr.: 085.045.369.001
Total weight ca.: 2700 kg
Empty weight ca.: 600 kg
Length ca.: 4000 mm
Width ca.: 2000 mm
Height ca.: -
Tires: 195 50 R 13"C
Axis amount: 2
Braked: Yes
Colour: -
Located at: 85241 Hebertshausen
4-wheel overrun brake with backwards automatic
Automatic support wheel
Tyres 195 50 R 13"C
Loading area sloping to the back
Access ramps
Mechanical Alko winch with wind stand
Spare wheel with holder
13-pin light connector
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